Our Top Ten Singles / EPs of 2020

If you read this, chances are you’ve made it through 2020 – congratulations! Another year when we thought, at its beginning, well this one cannot possibly get worse than the one before. And then you all know what happened. We hope that music has helped you as much as it did us. Here’s the singles & EPs of this year that we liked most. A click on the cover leads you to a place where you can buy the record.



Please consider doing so to help make sure there will still be some bands and labels around when all this is over. To anyone who’s listened to us bang on about obscure bands this year, to the obscure bands themselves and their DIY record labels, to anyone who’s put their time and effort in to keeping the torch of independent music burning in a year when it was needed more than at any other time – to all of you we say, thank you, keep on burning, what you do does make a difference, things will be alright and 2021 will be our year. Have a good one, take care and be nice.


10. Swansea Sound – Angry Girl / Corporate Indie Band (Lavender Sweep Records)








9. The Reds, Pinks & Purples – Sex, Lies & Therapy (s/r)








8. Night Shop – The Fountain (Salinas Records)








7. Seablite – High-Rise Mannequins (Emotional Response / Meritorio Records)








6. Toodles & The Hectic Pity – Ghosts, Guilt & Grandparents (Specialist Subject Records)








5. Neutrals – Personal Computing (Slumberland Records)








4. Northern Portrait – At Attention (Matinee Recordings)








3. Grizzly Coast – Party Of One (s/r)








2. Store Front – Task (s/r)








1. Big Baby – Fizzy Cola (Hidden Bay Records)



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