When Matt and Clare set fire to Sarah Records in 1995 and watched it burn, it happened for all the right reasons but it also left quite a few people, among them the person writing these lines, at a loss where to look for musical guidance. In the critical years following Sarah’s demise there were some artists whose attempts at filling the void made them all the more important. There was of course Bobby Wratten, marching on unwaveringly, changing the name of his outfits too often but making a considerable impact with Trembling Blue Stars. Read on
Free Cake For Every Creature
We don’t really know what twee is anymore, do we? Not at least since Marc Spitz in his 2014 book tried to portray it as a wide-ranging cultural movement, vaguely drawing a line from JD Salinger to Kurt Cobain and beyond, but effectively killing any distinctive use the term may have had before (still a good book though, mind), be it pejorative or affirming. Read on