In a year when it’s become increasingly transparent that not only do independent artists fail to make any reasonable income from selling / streaming their music but also that most of them lose money touring rather than make some, we should feel all the more blessed that there is still so much beautiful music pouring out of the creative energy channels of artists around the world that even an old indie kid with an admittedly limited range of musical preferences finds consolation in new sounds all year. Thank you to all bands, artists, and labels for keeping at it! To keep music close to your heart is one of the most important things to help with the preposterous stuff life throws at us and here’s a list of the 10 albums that served this purpose best to our entirely non-representative ears in 2022. We’d like to add that this year there were no less than six albums that we saw in a joint no. 10 spot. In the end, we settled for the one we played maybe one more time than the others, but honorary mentions must be made here of the wonderful longplayers released by Chorusgirl, The Shop Window, Dot Dash, The Orchids, & Convinced Friend. Read on
Indiepop Radio Episode 22-08
After a bit of a break we’re back with the August episode of our radio show. 53 minutes of musical sunshine, containing new and recent releases by Cozy Slippers, The Crystal Furs, Pete Astor & others, the comebacks of Fazerdaze & Chorusgirl, as well as older favourites from two Melbourne bands. Enjoy!
Emmas_Housemates Episode 007
The latest episode of our monthly themed mix of lost tunes and forgotten favourites, as first heard on the airwaves of your favourite web radio station This time, we’re focusing on indiepop tracks all released in a particular year.

When someone makes a record, one would assume one of the key motifs (apart from either an artistic expression of oneself or making lots of money) to be a desire to be seen and heard, to shine in the light of a stageset. So it’s somewhat puzzling to find a record that seems to be driven by the opposite desire to grow smaller and smaller until finally disappearing, driven by introversion and despondency. Shimmer And Spin, the second album by the London based, German-UK noisepop outfit Chorusgirl is such a record. Read on
Our Top Ten Albums of 2018
If you’ve been following this little blog and its associated modest indiepop radio podcast, there’s probably not a lot on these eoy-lists that will surprise you. Still, we feel they might be a useful addition to this year’s posts here. Our top ten albums are ranked below; a sample for each record is included and a click on the cover will lead you to where you can order the record.
Our eternal gratitude to all the bands and labels putting so much effort and all their hearts into giving us something to keep our backs straight and our heads above the waterline throughout this shithole of a year! Read on
Indiepop Radio Episode 18-03
Our third short and sweet indiepop radio episode proudly features Lost Ships, Night Shop, and more. Stream directly below or listen to the show over on Mixcloud.