Another year’s been and gone and while we still aren’t in a position to do any monthly features, at least here’s a round up of 30 of our most loved tracks from 2024 in an extended episode of our little indiepop radio show. You can simply hit play below, but you’ll also find the show on Mixcloud, Soundcloud or you just listen to the songs without my annoying ramblings in between on a Spotify playlist. Thank you to all artists and labels for the wonderful music. Enjoy.
Indiepop Radio Episode 22-02
Here’s the February episode of our indiepop radio show. 12 brilliant new tracks released in the last few weeks, framed by two older favourites coming from Young Scum and Young Romance. New music by Mattiel, Ramesh, The High Water Marks & more, plus the new single by Bobby Wratten’s Lightning In A Twilight Hour. Just under an hour of musical antidote against the state of the world. Enjoy!
Indiepop Radio Episode 20-01
Welcome to a new year in indiepop! The January episode of our indiepop radio show features six new tracks to add directly to your list of “best of 2020”-contenders, plus one favourite from the past. Stream on Mixcloud / Soundcloud / iTunes / Spotify. Or just hit the Play button below and enjoy!
Indiepop Radio Episode 19-11
Our November indiepop radio issue is here – six new songs we love from the past few weeks, among them new offerings from Young Scum, Terry vs. Tori, Sprinters, and more. Enjoy either right here below or on whatever platform you use for your listening pleasure: Mixcloud / Soundcloud / iTunes / Spotify.
Our Top Ten Albums of 2018
If you’ve been following this little blog and its associated modest indiepop radio podcast, there’s probably not a lot on these eoy-lists that will surprise you. Still, we feel they might be a useful addition to this year’s posts here. Our top ten albums are ranked below; a sample for each record is included and a click on the cover will lead you to where you can order the record.
Our eternal gratitude to all the bands and labels putting so much effort and all their hearts into giving us something to keep our backs straight and our heads above the waterline throughout this shithole of a year! Read on
Indiepop Radio Episode 18-01
We are very pleased to say that the first episode of our indiepop radio is now online. That’s half an hour of indiepop music, featuring some of the bands you’ll find on this site as well as others like Foundlings or The Goon Sax. If you like to listen to it on the Mixcloud site, please head over there. Read on
Young Scum

After a first split single release with the band Reporters that came out on Dufflecoat Records in August 2015, Young Scum properly appeared on the scene in 2016 with their 5-track EP called Zona. Read on