The year’s almost over and done with! We’ve finally made it and can only hope for a better 2021. We say goodbye to 2020 with one more episode featuring 12 new indiepop tracks and two older favourites, our usual listener’s digest of the last month. New songs by the likes of The Gabriels, Très Oui, Lost Tapes & more. Enjoy! Read on
Our Top Ten Singles / EPs of 2018
If you’ve been following this little blog and its associated modest indiepop radio podcast, there’s probably not a lot on these eoy-lists that will surprise you. Still, we feel they might be a useful addition to this year’s posts here. Our top ten singles/eps are ranked below; a sample for each record is included and a click on the cover will lead you to where you can order the record.
Our eternal gratitude to all the bands and labels putting so much effort and all their hearts into giving us something to keep our backs straight and our heads above the waterline throughout this shithole of a year! Read on
Indiepop Radio Episode 18-05
Our latest indiepop radio podcast is here, featuring too much of our own drivel but also seven fantastic indiepop songs present and past. Streamable directly below or from this Mixcloud link.