Indiepop Radio Episode 22-12

The December 2022 episode of Emmas_Housemusic brings my indiepop radio show as a regular series of monthly listeners-digest-features to an end, at least for now. I know, it’s never say never, so I won’t, but for the time being, there will be no further episodes. I’m not sure what Mixcloud is going to do with the uploaded shows if you don’t go Pro, which under the circumstances made no sense to me. The complete archive of the shows will, however, be available on this website as I do not intend to shut the site down or delete any of the existing episodes. As far as goodbyes go, I’ll let the show speak for itself and will just add my heartfelt thanks to all of you. Take care.

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Indiepop Radio Episode 22-02

Here’s the February episode of our indiepop radio show. 12 brilliant new tracks released in the last few weeks, framed by two older favourites coming from Young Scum and Young Romance. New music by Mattiel, Ramesh, The High Water Marks & more, plus the new single by Bobby Wratten’s Lightning In A Twilight Hour. Just under an hour of musical antidote against the state of the world. Enjoy!

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